




I cannot synchronize my HP iPAQ with my computer. What

To use the ActiveSync feature with Windows XP, upgrade your

should I do?

computer to the latest version of ActiveSync. It is


recommended to use ActiveSync V4.5 or later.


To use the WMDC feature with Windows Vista, upgrade your


computer to the latest version of WMDC. It is recommended to


use WMDC V6.1 or a later.


Visit for the latest




Check if advanced functions are enabled using the USB to PC


program. For more information, see Connect to a computer


on page 24.



My HP iPAQ was connected while I was installing WMDC. Why

In some cases after an upgrade, you need to disconnect and

does WMDC not launch even after installation?

reconnect the HP iPAQ before WMDC can start.



Can I set up an active connection between my HP iPAQ and a

No, the initial connection between your HP iPAQ and the

computer using Bluetooth for the first time?

computer needs to be created only through a Micro-USB


synchronization cable using ActiveSync for Windows XP and


WMDC for Windows Vista. After this initial connection, you will


be able to set up Bluetooth for future connections.








Why does the HP iPAQ seem sluggish sometimes?

You should have at least 1.5 MB to 2 MB of free memory space on your HP iPAQ so that the device operates efficiently. To check the free memory space, tap Start > Settings > System > Memory.

Remember to delete or transfer e-mail messages and pictures on your HP iPAQ to your computer to free available memory space.

If you have many programs running on your HP iPAQ, quit some programs to free memory. For more information, see Access programs on page 19.

116 Chapter 18 Frequently asked questions