Power Meter Operation
Self Test
When the individual test is complete, the result is displayed until Done is selected. If the self test failed, information about the failure is displayed on the screen.
Instrument Self Test
If Instrument Self Test is selected, the following tests are run, these are the same tests which are run using the *TST? command.
•ROM checksum
•RAM Battery
•Display Assembly
•Measurement Assemblies
•Serial Interface
As each test takes place, the name of the test is listed on the screen. While a test is running, the message “Testing...” appears next to the name of the test. As each stage of the test is completed, the message “Testing...” is replaced by either the message “Passed” or “Failed”.
Confidence Check
The confidence check requires you to carry out the following procedure. Instructions are also displayed on the screen. The confidence check can be carried out on both channels using the appropriate softkeys.
1.Connect the power sensor to the POWER REF output (Refer to Table
2.The power meter automatically makes a power measurement. If the measured error is within the instrument accuracy specification the confidence check has been successful.
While the test is running, the message “Testing...” appears. If the correct power meter reading is made the message “Passed” is displayed, otherwise “Failed” is displayed.
If the confidence check fails, the failure appears in the error queue. To examine the error queue go to the “Errors” screen (refer to Chapter 4).
HP E4419B User’s Guide |