Menu Reference
Front Panel Menu Reference "Meas/Setup" Menu
Display Format
Press this softkey to access a menu which allows you to select digital or analog displays, set the resolution and set the limits for the analog display.
Meter Dgtl Anlg
Press this softkey to toggle between an analog and digital display. Refer to “Selecting a Digital or Analog Display”, on page
Anlg Mtr Scaling
Press this softkey to access a menu which allows you to enter the maximum and minimum scale limits shown on the analog display.
Press this softkey to enter the maximum scale value shown on the analog display.
Press this softkey to enter the minimum scale value shown on the analog display.
Resolution 1 2 3 4
Press this softkey to choose from four levels of resolution. The resolution can be specified in dB or digits depending on the
measurement suffix used. The suffix used is the one which is selected in the dBm/W menu. These four levels (1, 2, 3, 4)
1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 dB respectively if the measurement suffix is dBm or dB.
1, 2, 3 or 4 significant digits respectively if the measurement suffix is W or %.
The default value is 3 (that is, 0.01 dB or 3 digits).
Press this softkey to access a menu where you can enter upper and lower limits for each display window which when exceeded will output a TTL logic level (if enabled) at the rear panel TTL Outputs. Refer to “Setting Window Limits”, on page
Limits Off On
Press this softkey to toggle between the test limits being on or off. The default is “Off”.
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