Menu Reference
Front Panel Menu Reference "System/Inputs" Menu
Press this softkey to access a menu which allows you to set the defaults for contrast and brightness.
Press this softkey to increase the display contrast.
Press this softkey to decrease the display contrast.
◆Set Contrast
Press this softkey to set the default contrast to that currently displayed. Note, this key changes the factory default setting.
Set Brightness
Press this softkey to set the brightness. Note, this key changes the factory default setting.
Press this softkey to display: the model number; option structure; serial number; firmware, bootrom and DSP revisions.
■Serial Diagnostic
Press this softkey to access a diagnostic menu for the serial interface (RS232/RS422). This softkey is greyed out if
◆Tx Break
Press this softkey to transmit a break sequence from the serial port to the external receiver.
Press this softkey to produce a screen showing the state of the UART line and modem status registers. If the Xon/Xoff handshake is enabled, the screen also shows the state of Rx and Tx.
Press this softkey to reset and initialize the UART and to flush both the receiver and transmitter buffers.
Interface Overview
Press this softkey to produce a screen showing a summary of the remote interface configuration.
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