Complete the following steps to set the number of times the Remote Supervisor
Adapter or ASM processor attempts to send an alert:
1.Log in to the Remote Supervisor Adapter on which you want to set remote alert attempts. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Opening and using the ASM Web interface” on page 3.
2.For an xSeries 330 server: If you want to set the remote alert attempts on the ASM processor, log in to the ASM processor. For more information, see “Logging in to the ASM processor in an xSeries 330 server” on page 6.
3.In the navigation pane, click Alerts and scroll down to the Global Remote Alert Settings section.
Use these settings to define the number of remote alert attempts and the time between the attempts. The settings apply to all configured remote alert recipients.
Remote alert retry limit
Use the Remote alert retry limit field to specify the number of additional times that the Remote Supervisor Adapter or ASM processor will attempt to send an alert to a recipient.
Delay between retries
Use the Delay between retries field to specify the time interval (in minutes) that the Remote Supervisor Adapter or ASM processor will wait between retries to send an alert to a recipient.
4.Select the Include event log with
a.To send the event log as an
b.Event logs attached in an
5.Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Setting remote alerts
Note: For an xSeries 330 server: You can set remote alerts only when you are logged in to the ASM processor.
Complete the following steps to select the remote alerts to be sent:
1.Log in to the Remote Supervisor Adapter where you want to set remote alerts. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Opening and using the ASM Web interface” on page 3.