3.3 Power Supplies
All Series 200 projectors including the Model 250 have three power supplies. These include:
!Low Voltage Power Supply
!Arc Lamp Power Supply
!High Voltage Power Supply
There is a fourth power supply, the Laser Power Supply, but that power supply is used only for the Igniter Assembly during Arc Lamp lighting.
Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS)
LVPS - Main Functions:
!Provides all the low voltages needed by the projector.
!Provides standby power (+5.1V) when the projector is OFF but the AC Circuit Breaker is in the ON position.
!Provides power (+24 V) for all cooling fans.
LVPS - Inputs:
The Low Voltage Power Supply receives AC input power directly from the AC Line Filter. The input range is from 220 VAC to 240 VAC, at 50/60 Hz.
/LV_ENA - from the System Controller PCB. This signal enables the LVPS when the System Controller receives a Power On command.
/FAN_ENA - from the System Controller PCB. This signal enables the +24v standby voltage for the projector fans.
/COVER_ON - signal enables the
/ = Active low
LVPS - Outputs:
!+ 5.1VDC Main
!+ 5.1VDC Stdby
!+ 6.2VDC
!± 15VDC
!+ 24VDC
!+ 80VDC
/LV_OK - this diagnostic signal tells the System Controller PCB the status of the
Model 250 Service Manual |