Chapter 5---Electronics

Vertical Adjustment Pots

Figure 5-15Physical layout of the Horizontal/Vertical PCB (note the Vertical Size

Adjustment Pots (Red-137, Grn-148, and Blu-160) on the lower right).

Horizontal Vertical Deflection PCB - Outputs

/SWEEP_OK - signal to the Video Amplifier PCB, derived from the H_ENA signal from the Raster Timing Generator PCB, and the DEFL_OK from the Scan Reversal PCB.

WIDTH_CTRL - a DC voltage to the Convergence Deflection PCB that adjusts the parabola waveforms used for geometric correction (about 4 V max.).

H_RGB(pos.) - horizontal deflection waveform return from the Scan Reversal PCB. A DC offset that shifts the reference for red, green, and blue image for centering.

H_OUT_FLYB - output waveform to the Scan Reversal PCB for the horizontal deflection coils on the CRTs.

H_LOCK (pos.) - +15 V to the Scan Reversal PCB for deflection yoke connector interlock.

V_RGB (pos.) - positive vertical deflection voltage to the Scan Reversal PCB.

V_RGB (neg.) - negative vertical deflection voltage to Scan Reversal PCB.

±15 V - pass through voltage from Low Voltage Power Supply to Scan Reversal PCB to power analog circuitry.

+5.1 V - pass through voltage from Low Voltage Power Supply to Scan Reversal PCB to power digital circuitry.

H_CUR_FDBK - current feedback to horizontal waveform amplifier.


Model 250 Service Manual

Page 79
Image 79
JVC 250 service manual Horizontal Vertical Deflection PCB Outputs