Printer problems (continued)
Problem | Probable cause | Action |
Paper fed from the Auto | The left and right paper | Adjust the left and right |
Sheet Feeder is skewed in | guides are not correctly | paper guides so they are tight |
the printer. | adjusted. | against the edge of the paper. |
| Paper is not correctly | • Remove paper from the |
| placed in the paper bin. | paper bin. |
| • Fan the paper. |
| • Reload the paper correctly. |
The Auto Sheet Feeder | Paper is not correctly | Remove paper from the paper |
feeds multiple sheets. | placed in the paper bin. | bin. Reload the paper |
| correctly. |
| The weight of the paper | Remove all paper from the |
| is too low. | paper bin, and install a |
| heavier paper. See the |
| optional Auto Sheet Feeder |
| manual for recommended |
| paper weights. |
| Paper sheets seem to | Remove all paper from the |
| hold together at the | paper bin and fan the top and |
| bottom edge. | bottom edges with your |
| thumb. Place the paper in the |
| paper bin. |
| Not enough paper in the | Add more paper to the paper |
| paper bin. | bin. |