6-28 Instruction Set of the I/O Processor
Jump Instruction
The LSI53C810A can do a true/false comparison of the
ALU carry bit, or compare the phase and/or data as
defined by the Phase Compare, Data Compare and
True/Falsebit fields.
If the comparisons are true, then it loads the DMA
SCRIPTS Pointer (DSP) register with the contents of the
DMA SCRIPTS Pointer Save(DSPS) register. The DMA
SCRIPTS Pointer (DSP) register now contains the
address of the next instruction.
If the comparisons are false,the LSI53C810A fetches the
next instruction from the address pointed to by the DMA
SCRIPTS Pointer (DSP) register, leavingthe instr uction
pointer unchanged.
Call Instruction
The LSI53C810A can do a true/false comparison of the
ALU carry bit, or compare the phase and/or data as
defined by the Phase Compare, Data Compare, and
True/Falsebit fields.
If the comparisons are true, then it loads the DMA
SCRIPTS Pointer (DSP) register with the contents of the
DMA SCRIPTS Pointer Save (DSPS) register and that
address value becomes the address of the next
When the LSI53C810A executes a Call instruction, the
instruction pointer contained in the DMA SCRIPTS
Pointer(DSP) register is stored in the Temporary (TEMP)
register. Since the TEMP register is not a stack and can
only hold one Dword, nested call instructions are not
OPC2 OPC1 OPC0 Instruction Defined
0 0 1 Call
0 1 0 Return
0 1 1 Interrupt
1 x x Reserved