QS: Phone/IP Starter Config. MultiVOIP User Guide
Phone/IP Starter Configuration
This is a summary. For full details, see “Technical Configuration”
chapter of User Guide.
1. Open MultiVOIP program: Start | MultiVOIP xxx | Configuration.
2. Go to Configuration | Ethernet/IP. Enter the IP parameters for your
voip site. Activate Packet Prioritization (802.1p) if desired. If you use a
Domain Name Server (DNS), specify its IP address. If DNS is used, you
can activate the Service Record (SRV) feature. For details, see the
“Technical Configuration” chapter of the User Guide.
3. Do you want to configure and operate the MultiVOIP unit using the
web browser GUI? (It has the same functionality as the local
Windows GUI, but offers remote access.)
If NO, skip to step 5.
If YES, continue with step 4.