17 Canned Cycles for Drilling
17.1.14 Boring Cycle (Dwell on the Bottom Point, Retraction with Feed) (G89)
The variables used in the cycle are
G17 G89 Xp__ Yp__ Zp__ R__ P__ F__ L__
G18 G89 Zp__ Xp__ Yp__ R__ P__ F__ L__
G19 G89 Yp__ Zp__ Xp__ R__ P__ F__ L__
The operations of the cycle are
5.boring as far as the bottom point, with feed F
6.dwelling with the value specified at address P
7.retraction to point R, with feed F
9.with G98, rapid-traverse retraction to the initial point
Except for dwelling, the cycle is identical with G85.
17.2 Notes to the use of canned cycles
–The drilling cycle will be executed in cycle mode provided a block without code G contains one of the addresses
Xp, Yp, Zp, or R
Otherwise, the drilling cycle will not be executed.
–With dwell G04 P programmed in cycle mode, the command will be executed in conformity with P programmed, but the cycle variable of dwell will not be deleted and will not be
–The values of I, J, K, Q, E, P have to be specified in a block, in which drilling is also performed, or else the values will not be stored.