20 Custom Macro
Complex Arithmetic Operations - Sequence of Execution
#110 = #111 + #112 * COS #113 1
2Sequence of operations
Modifying the Sequence of execution
The sequence of executing the operations can be modified by the use of brackets [ and ]. Brackets can be nested in 5 levels. The control will return error message 3064 BAD MACRO STATEMENT if a depth over 5 levels is found in the program.
Example of brackets nested in 3 levels:
#120 = COS [ [ [#121 - #122] * #123 + #125] * #126] 1
The numbers refer to the sequence of executing the operations. Clearly, the
20.13.3 Logical Operations
The programming language uses the following logical operations:
equal to | #i EQ #j |
not equal to | #i NE #j |
greater than | #i GT #j |
less than | #i LT #j |
greater than or equal to | #i GE #j |
less than or equal to | #i LE #j |
The variables on both sides of a logical operation can be substituted by formula as well. The above conditional expressions can be used in divergence or iteration instructions IF or WHILE.
LNote: Since the above conditional expressions are followed by additions and subtractions, the possible errors must be taken into account in respect of the accuracy of decision.
20.13.4 Unconditional Divergence: GOTOn
As a result of instruction GOTOn, the execution of the program will be resumed unconditionally at the block of the same program with sequence number n. Sequence number n can be substituted for by a variable or a formula. The number of the block, to which the jump is made by instruction GOTO must be put at the beginning of the block. Unless the selected block number is found, error message 3070 NOT EXISTING BLOCK NO. P will be returned.