14 The Tool Compensation
If, however, instruction G49 is used, any reference to address H will be ineffective until G43 or G44 is programmed.
The example below presents a simple drilling operation with tool length compensation taken into account:
length of drilling tool, H1=400
| Fig. | ||
| |
N1 | G90 | G0 X500 | Y600 | (positioning in plane X, Y) | |||
N2 | G43 | Z410 H1 |
| (moving to Z410 with H1 length compensation) | |||
N3 | G1 | Z100 F180 | (drilling as far as Z100 with F180 feed) | ||||
N4 | G4 | P2 |
| (dwell for 2 seconds) | |||
N5 | G0 | Z1100 H0 |
| (removing the tool and canceling the length | |||
| compensation; the tool's tip is in the X700 point) | ||
N6 |
| (returning with rapid traverse in plane X, Y) |
14.4 Tool Offset (G45...G48)
G45 increases the movement amount with the offset value
G46 decreases the movement amount with the offset value
G47 increases the movement amount by twice with the offset value
G48 decreases the movement amount by twice with the offset value
Any one of commands G45...G48 will be effective with the compensation selected with the D code until another value is called in conjunction with a command G45...G48.
In the case of an absolute data specification, the amount of movement will be the difference between the end point defined in the current block and the end point of the previous block. Any increase or decrease refers to the direction of motion produced in this way.