20 Custom Macro
Fig. |
Servo lag
system | nature of position information | entry during |
variable |
| motion |
#5101 servo lag in axis 1
#5102 servo lag in axis 2
:not possible
#5108 servo lag in axis 8
The readable servo lag is a signed value in millimeters.
20.13 Instructions of the Programming Language
The expression
#i = <formula>
is used for describing the various instructions. The expression <formula> may include arithmetic operations, functions, variables or constants.
In general, references are made to variables #j and #k in a <formula>.
It is not only possible for the <formula> to stand on the right side of a definition instruction, the various addresses in the NC block may also assume a formula instead of a specific numerical value or variable.
20.13.1 Definition, Substitution: #i = #j
The code of instruction is =.
As a result of the instruction, variable #i will assume the value of variable #j, i.e., the value of variable #j will be entered in variable #i.