My Info
4Enter the name you want to appear. See
“Entering Text” on page 45. W hen you are
finished, press O.
You can also edit th e information in Line 1, Line 2,
and Circuit Data, but your changes are only
temporary. The next time your phone registers on
the network, your actua l phone numbers and circui t
data number appe ar again in My Info.
Setting Sending Options
Your phone can send infor mation in My Info to
other phones that have this capability.
You can control w hat portion of the i nformation in
My Info is sent and whethe r it is sent automatically
in every Direct Connect call or only when you
choose to send it.

Information Sent

The information your pho ne s en ds a lwa ys i nc lude s
My Name and Direct Connect.
Line 1, Line 2, Carrier IP, and Circuit Data may
also be sent, depending on how you set your
sending options.
The default settin g is Line 1 only.
To change which f ields are sent:
1From the main menu, sele ct My Info.
2Press m.
3Select Send My Info Setup > Info to Send.
4A checkmark appe ars next to the fiel ds that will
be sent. To add or rem ove the checkmark , select
the field.
5When you are finished, press A under Done.

Automatic Sending

To control whether your infor m a tio n is sen t
1From the main menu, sele ct My Info.
2Press m.
3Select Send My Info Setup > Auto Send.
4To set your information to be sent automatically,
set this option to On. -or-
To set your informa tio n t o be sent o nl y wh en yo u
choose to send it, set th is option to Off.
Note:W hen you receive yo ur phone, it is set to
send your informat ion automatically.