wireless service agreement (the “Agreement”),
consisting of these Ter m s and Conditions and the
Plan Information is an agreement bet ween you
individually or, if a busi ness , your bu sine ss entit y or
corporation (“Customer”), and the Nextel local
operating affiliate authorized to prov ide service in
the geographic re gion in which Custome r’s billing
address is located (“Nextel”). Should there be any
conflict between thi s Agr eeme nt an d the t erms and
conditions of the current Service Agreement or
Subscriber Agree ment or other agreem ent
between Customer and Nextel covering the
Equipment (as defined below) accompanying thi s
User’s Guide, the terms and conditions of the
current Service Agreem e nt or Su bs cr ibe r
Agreement or other agreement will control.
Customer represe nts that (1) he or she is at least
18 years of age and is legally competent to enter
into this Agreement; (2) if acting on behalf of an
entity, he or she is ful ly authorized to bind the
entity; (3) if acting on behalf of a corporation, the
execution of this Agreement has been authorized
by all necessary co rpo rat e ac t ions. The se s ervi ce s
may include, but are not l imi ted to , wi rel es s cal lin g,
Direct Connect® walkie-talkie services, Nationwide
Direct Connect® walkie-talkie services, Group
Connect® walkie-ta lkie services, “Wireles s Data
Services” (including, b ut not limited to, wireles s
web services, email services, text messaging,
multimedia messaging and other mobile
messaging services), and other related services
and features. Together, the services selected by
Customer make up C ustomer’s “Servi ce Plan” and
are collectively referr ed to in this Agreement as the
“Service” provided to Customer. Serv ice is
accessible to Customer through the telephone,
data, email or me ssaging code or num ber(s) or
email address(es) (collectively, the “Number(s)”)
assigned to Custo mer’s account. Th is Agreement
also governs the purchase and or use of
Customer’s cellul ar phone (“Phone”), BlackBerry®,
radio equipment and all other related equipment or
devices and the softwar e applications loaded on
any of the same used in connect ion with the
Service (“Equipment”). This Agreement governs
the entire relationship between Customer and
Nextel and supers edes all earlier ve rsions of any
agreement between Customer and Nextel.
Customer acknowle dges receipt of det ailed
information (“Plan Information”) for each Service
selected by Cust omer. ALL PLAN INF ORMATION