Creating and Sending Messages
3Select the Quick Note you want to in sert int o the
Tip:To create new Qui ck Not e s to us e in later
messages, see “Cus to mi zi ng MMS” on
page 98.
Inserting Pictures and Audio Recordings From the Me di a Cen t erWhen you are filli ng in the Message field, you can
insert pictures an d audio recordings f rom the
media center into the body of the message.
You can insert more than one of these items into a
message. You can include text in the body of your
message in additio n to these items.
Note:Fo r information on how item s inserted into
the body of a message appear when a
message is received, se e “Embedded
Objects and Attachm ents” on page 93.
Inserting Items
1While you are filling in the Message field, press
2Select Insert Picture or Insert Audio.
A list of pictures and audio recordings that can
be included in a me ssage appears.
3Select the picture o r au di o re co rdi ng you wan t t o
Tip:To view or list en to the item before inserting
it, highlight it and press A under Preview.
Removing an Inserted Item
To remove an item insert ed into the body of the
message you are creati ng :
1Highlight the item you want to remove.
2Press A under Delete.
Attaching Pictures and Audio Recordings From the Me di a Ce nt erYou can attach one or more pi ct ures and audio
recordings from t he media center.
Note:For information on how attachments
appear when a mess age is received, see
“Embedded Objects and Attachments” on
page 93.
Attaching Items
1While you are crea ting a message, sel ect
Attach > [New Attachmen t].
2Select Browse Pictur es or Browse Audio.
A list of pictures and audio recordings that can
be included in a me ssage appears.
3Select the picture o r au di o re co rdi ng y ou wan t t o