INTEREST. Nextel’s accept ance of late or partial
payments (even if marked “ paid in full” or similar
notations) shall not wa ive Nextel’s right to collect
the full amount due un der t hi s Agr e em en t, p lu s a ny
additional amounts charged under this paragraph.
If Nextel obtains the services of a collection or
repossession agency or an attorney to assist in
remedying any breach of this Agreement by
Customer, including but not limited to, Customer’s
nonpayment of charges, C ustomer shall be liable
for this expense.
Disputed Charges - Customer may dispute only
those charges that Customer believes are the
result of (1) a billing error; (2) a problem related to
Customer’s Service; or (3) dropped calls. To
dispute any charge, Customer must pay all
undisputed amounts when due and submit a
written notice to Nextel within ninety (90) days of
the problem or before the end of the third billi ng
cycle after the date upon which the problem
occurred, whichever occurs later. CUSTOMER
PROVIDED TO NEXTEL. Nextel s hall resolve all
disputed charges in its sole discretion. If Nextel
determines that an err or was made on Customer’s
invoice, Nextel will credit Customer’s account in
the amount of the error . If Next e l d ete rm in es that a
disputed charge was validly assessed upon
Customer, Nextel will notify Customer and
Customer must furnish the amount to Nextel within
a reasonable period o f time; or, if authorized by
Customer, Nextel may instead charge Customer’s
credit card or debit card by any amount that was
validly assessed. If Cus tomer fails to pay any
undisputed amount or, af t er a r ea sona bl e pe rio d of
time, fails to pay any amount determine d by Nextel
to have been validly assessed upon Customer,
Nextel may exercise any remedies available to
Nextel under thi s Agreement for non- payment,
including termination of the Agreement. Customer
hereby acknowledge s that he or she has read the
explanation of rates and charges set forth in this
Section 7 and und erstands that these r ates and
charges may be assessed upon Customer, to the
extent applicable.
8. BILLING - Nextel shall issue invoices for Service
and for purchases of Equipment. Nextel’s
invoicing cycle is approximately thirty (30) days,
but may change from time to time. The day of the
month on which Cust omer receives an invo ice may
vary and is subject to ch ange. Some billing detail s
may be provided at http://www.Nextel.com and will
not appear on inv oices (except for a fe e). Service
charges will be invoic ed to C usto mer i n adv an ce o r
in arrears, depend ing on the Service Plan, and
usage charges will be invoiced in arrears.
Customer may be assessed a shipping charge for
Equipment delivered t o Customer. Unless