access to the Service or any account on the
Service, use the Ser vice to infringe the c opyright of
another, or upload or trans m it an y “vi r us ”, “w orm ”
or other malicious code. Customer sh all not
modify, disassem ble, deinstall or al ter the
Equipment in any manner, except in accordance
with the use instr uctions accompan ying the
Equipment. Customer may not resell or lease the
Service or the Equipment to an y oth er person or
Change in Service/ Number - Any chan ge in the
Service or the Equipme nt ma y r eq ui r e ad di ti o na l
programming or Equipment or changes to
Numbers assigned to Customer. Cus tomer may
be assessed a programming fe e i n c onne ct io n wi th
any change requested by Customer. Nextel may,
at any time, change or remove any Number
assigned to Customer when such change is
reasonably necessary in the conduct of Nextel’s
business. Customer ac knowledges that Customer
has no proprietary or ow n ers hi p r igh ts or int er est in
Customer’s Numb er(s) and cannot ac quire such
rights or interest t hrough usage, publ ication or
otherwise. Customer may n ot a ssign i t s Nu mbe r t o
any other Equipment and shall not program any
other Number into its Equip ment. If wireless
number portabilit y becomes availa ble in
Customer’s Servi ce Area, Customer may request
that its Phone number( s ) be ported to another
service provider. Upon such request, all amounts
then owed to Nextel (including damages for early
termination and any amounts that appear on the
final invoice) shall become immediately due an d
payable, and Customer’ s failure to provide timely
payment to Nextel could delay Nextel’s facilitation
of Customer’s requ est.
Services consist of applications such as email,
data, information and oth er wireless Internet
services (“Onlin e Applications”). Cu stomer
acknowledges that no guarantee or assurance
exists that the Online Applications will be
compatible, or, if curr ently compatible, will cont inue
to be compatible, with Nextel’s network or with
Customer’s Equipme nt or Service. Nextel does no t
endorse any Online Application, even if currently
compatible with Ne xtel’s network or with
Customer’s Equipm ent or Service. Ne xtel may, at
any time in its sol e discretion, disa ble or
discontinue any Onl ine Application for a ny reason.
Use of Wireless Data S ervices requires Internet
compatible Equipment, an d is subj ect t o appl i cab le
storage, memory or other Equipment limitations.
Only certain Internet sit es may be accessed by
Customer, and certain Wire less Dat a Serv ices may
not be available in all areas where Service is