What is not covered? (Exc lusions)
Normal Wear and Tear. Periodic maintenance,
repair and replacemen t of parts due to normal wear
and tear are excluded from coverage.
Ornamental Decorations. Orna m en tal
decorations such as emblems, graphics,
rhinestones, jewels, g emstones and their settin gs,
and other decorative elements, are excluded f rom
Batteries. Only batteries whose fully charged
capacity falls bel ow 8 0% o f th eir ra te d ca pacit y an d
batteries that leak are covered by this limited
Abuse & Misuse. D efects or damage that result
from: (a) improper operation, storage, misuse or
abuse, accident or negl ec t , su c h as ph ys ical
damage (cracks, scratche s, etc.) to the surface of
the product resulting fr om misuse; (b) contact wi th
liquid, water, rain, extreme humidity or heavy
perspiration, sand, dirt or the like, extreme heat, or
food; (c) use of the Product s or Acce ssories for
commercial purposes or subjecting the Product or
Accessory to abnormal usa ge or conditions; or (d)
other acts which are not the fault of Motorola, are
excluded from coverage.
Use of Non-Motorola Produc ts and
Accessories. Defects or damage that result from
the use of Non-Motorola branded or certified
Products, Accessories, S oftware or other
peripheral equipment are excluded fr om coverage.
Unauthorized Service or M odification. Defects
or damages resulting from service, testing,
adjustment, inst allation, maintena nce, alteration,
including without limitation, software changes, or
modification in a ny way by someone other than
Motorola, or its au thorized service c enters, are
excluded from co verage.
Altered Products. Products or Accessories with
(a) serial numbers or date tags that have been
removed, altered o r obliterated; (b) broken seals or
that show evidence of tampering; (c) mismatched
board serial number s; or (d) no nc on f o rmi n g or
non-Motorola housings, antennas, or parts, are
excluded from co verage.
Communication Services . Defects, damages, or
the failure of Products, Accessories or Software
due to any communication service or signal you
may subscribe to or use wi th the Products,
Accessories or Software is excluded from