Creating and Sending Messages
Adding More Message Options
1To view more message fields in a message you
are creating, selec t MORE. -or-
Press A under More.
2If you want to create or ed it the subject line:
Select Subject.
Enter text from the keypad. -or-
Select a Quick Note. Se e “ Qu ic k Not es” on pa ge
When you are finished, press O.
3If you want to attach a picture or au di o
recordings, see “At taching Pictures and Audio
Recordings From th e Media Center” on page 89
or “Attaching New Voice Records” on page 90.
4If you want to add more recipients in addition to
those in the To field:
Select Cc.
Enter the phone number or email address from
the keypad and pre ss O. Repeat this action to
enter more phone numbers or email addresses.
Select recipients from Cont acts or the recent
calls list. See “ More Ways to Add ress a
Message” on page 87.
When you are finishe d addressing the mes sage,
press A under Back.
5If you want to set the priori ty of the message:
Select Priority.
Select the priority you want.
6If you want to receive a report confirming that
your message was delivered:
Select Report > On Delivery.
7If you want to set a date afte r which attempts to
deliver the message en d:
Select Valid Until.
Select a date by scr olling or entering nu mbers.
Press O. -or-
To set no date, press A unde r No Date.
8To send the message , pre ss A under Send. -or-
If Send is not one of your options: Pr ess m.
Select Send.
Replying to a Message
You can reply to a rece iv ed m es sag e wh il e y ou are
viewing it. If you have alre ady viewed a message,
you can also reply to it while it is highlighted in the
message center. You cannot reply to unread