Actions for Received Messages
Pictures and audi o recordings are sa ved to the
media center.
Note:S ome types of picture s and audio
recordings can be viewe d or play ed, but
not saved to the media center.
Deleting an Embedded Picture or Audio Recording
To delete a picture o r audio recording th at is part of
the body of a message you receive:
1View the message.
2Highlight the pictu re or audio recording yo u want
to delete.
3Press m.
4Select Delete Picture or Delete Audio.
Saving Attachments
1View the message.
2Highlight the atta chment you want to save.
3Press m.
4Select Save Attachment.
Pictures and audi o recordings are sa ved to the
media center.
Note:S ome types of picture s and audio
recordings can be viewe d or play ed, but
not saved to the media center.
Deleting Attachments
1View the message.
2Highlight the attachment you want to delete.
3Press m.
4Select Delete Attachment.
5Press O or press A under Yes to confirm.
Saving Slide Shows
When viewing a slide show i n a m ess ag e yo u have
received, you ca n save the parts of the slide show.
If the slide show c ontains pictures, you can save
each picture as it appears. If the slide show
contains audio re cordings, you can s ave each
audio recording at any time during the slide show.
Saving Pictures
1View the slide show.
2When the picture you want to save appears,
press m.
3Select Save Picture.
Saving Audio
1View the slide show.
2Press m.
3Select Save Audio.