Missed Phone Calls
•Select the number i n a text message you have
received. See “Cal ling a Number in a Me ssage”
on page 95.
Using a Voice Name
If you have created a voice name in Contacts for
the number you want to call, say the voice name
into your phone to enter the number. See page 51
for information o n voice names.
You can use a vo ice name to enter a number with
the flip open or c losed.
1Press and hold t until a prompt appears te lling
you to say the voice name .
2Speaking into the mic rophone, say the v oice
name assigned to t he number you wan t to call.
Your phone plays the name back to you.
3If you are making a phone call, the call is placed
Tip:To stop a phone ca ll fro m be in g co mp leted,
press . if the flip is clos ed or press e.
If you are making a Direct Connect call or Group
Connect call, press and hold the PTT button to
place the call.
Using Speed Dial and Turbo Dial®
Each phone number sto red i n Co nt act s i s ass ig ned
a Speed Dial number, which you can use to call
that number.
Speed Dial
1From the idle scree n, use the keypad to enter
the Speed Dial numb er assigned to the phone
number you want to call.
2Press #.
3Press s.
Turbo Dial
From the idle scree n, press and hold t he Speed
Dial number (1 thro ug h 9 ) as si gn ed to t he p hone
number you want to call.
Redialing the Last Number
Press and hold s to place a call to the last phone
number you called.
Missed Phone CallsWhen you miss a call, thi s i con V and the number
of phone calls you have missed appear briefly.