4If you have purchased opti on al batteries or
chargers, see “Charging Times”.
Charging TimesCheck your battery and char ger type against the
grid below to determi ne appropriate charging
For best results, charge the batteries within the
temperature range of 50°F to 10 4° F (1 0 °C to
Prolonged charging is not recommended.
Removing the Battery1With the phone powered off, remove the battery
2Remove the battery by pushi ng it toward the
antenna and lifting it out.
Battery Use and Maintenance•The Motorola iDEN Approved Lithium Ion
chargers provide opt imum performance. Other
chargers may not f ully charge the iDE N Lithium
Ion battery or ma y yield a reduced number of
lifetime charge cycles.
•Extreme temperatures degrade battery
performance. Do not store the battery where
temperatures exce ed 140°F (60°C) or fal l below
4°F (-20°C).
•Lithium Ion batteries have a self discharge rate
and without use, lo se about 1% of thei r charge
per day.
Battery Charger
Rapid Standard
Lithium Ion 2 hours 4 hours
Lithium Ion
3.5 hours 7.5 hours