Making Calls
If the flip is closed, pres s .. -or-
Press e. -or-
Close the flip.
Direct Connect® Calls
When you receive a Direct Connect call, your
phone emits a chirpin g sound or vibrates.
1Wait for the caller to finish spe aking.
2Press and hold the PTT button on the side of
your phone. Begin talkin g aft er your phone emit s
a chirping sound.
3Release the PTT button to listen.
If the flip is closed, pres s .. -or-
Press e. -or-
Press A under Exit. -or-
Close the flip.
A Direct Connect call ends automatica ll y if there is
no activity on the call for a few seconds.
Choosing a Number to CallYou can choose the number you want to call in
many ways:
•Enter the number on the keypad.
•Say a voice name into your p hon e. S ee “Using a
Voice Name” on page 29.
•Use Speed Dial or Turbo Dial® to make a phone
call. See “Using Speed Dial and Turbo Dial®” on
page 29.
•Redial the last phone number called. See
“Redialing the Last Number” on page 29 .
•Select the number from the recent calls list. See
“Making Calls From the Recent Calls L ist” on
page 43.
•Select the number from Co ntacts. See “Making
Calls From Contacts ” on page 55.
•Select a number stored in Datebook. For
information on making calls from Datebook an d
Datebook reminders, go to nextel.com.
•Use One Touch Dir ect Conn ec t t o make a D ir ect
Connect call. See “One Touch Direct Connect”
on page 62.
•Use the number in Memo. For information on
making calls from Memo, g o to nextel.com.