Managing DRM Items
Viewing Licens e InformationYou can check a DRM item’s li cense to view the
following information:
•For time-based item s, either the date a nd time
the item is scheduled t o ex pi re, or th e n umb er of
days left
•For count-based items, the number of credits
(uses) left or an unlimited us e no tic e
•The name of the item’s vendor
To view the license of a DRM i tem:
1Go to the location o n your phone that con tains
the item you want .
2Highlight the DRM item yo u wan t to vi ew li ce ns e
information for.
3Press m.
4Select License Info.
Renewing DRM LicensesNote:You can only renew DRM licenses if the
license contains a link to the page wh ere
you purchased the item.
1Go to the location o n your phone that con tains
the item you want .
2Highlight the DRM item you w ant to renew.
3Press A under Renew or press m. Select
4Select the link to the page whe r e you pu r cha sed
the item.
5Follow the vendor’s instructions for purchasi ng
an additional lice nse.
Deleting Ite msIf you delete a DRM item that you purchased from
Nextel from your phone, yo u will have to purchase
it again to download it.
Under certain cond itions, third-party vendors will let
you download an item multip le times wi thi n a gi ve n
time frame, even if you deleted the item. Please
contact the third-party vendor of an item to learn
more about the ve ndor’s download reg ulations.
To delete an item:
1Go to the location o n your phone that c ontains
the item you want.
2Highlight the DRM item you want to delete.
3Press m.
4Select Delete.
5If prompted, press A under Yes.