Hearing Aid Compatibility
When some mobile phones are used wi th cer tain
hearing devices (including he aring aids andcochlear
implants), users may detect a noise which can
interfere with the effectivene ss of the hearing device.
Some hearing devices are mo re “immune” than others
to this interference noise , and mobile phones can also
vary in the amount of interferenc e no ise they may
generate at any given time. ANSI s ta ndard C63.19
was developed to provide a standa rdi z ed means of
measuring both mobile phone and he aring devices to
determine usability rating categories for both.
Ratings have been developed for m ob ile phones to
assist hearing device users find phones that may be
compatible with their part icular hearing device. Not all
mobile phones are rated for compatibility with hearing
devices, but mobile phones that are rated should have
the rating available. This rating m ay depend on the
position of a retract able antenna.
Results will vary depending on th e user’s hearing
device and individual type and degree of hearing l oss.
If a hearing device is particular l y vu l ner able to
interference noise, even a mob i l e pho ne with a higher
rating may still cause unacceptabl e noise levels in the
hearing device. Evaluate your p ersonal needs by
trying out the mobile phone with your hear ing device.
“M” Rating: Mobile phones rated M3 or M4 meet FCC
requirements for hearing aid compatibility and are
likely to generate less interfere nce to hearing devices
than phones that are not la beled. (M4 is the “better” o r
higher of the two ratings.)
"T" Rating: Mobile phones rated T3 or T4 meet FCC
requirements for compatibility with telecoil-type ("T
Switch" or "Telephone Switch ") hea ring devices and
are likely to be more usable with such hearing devices
than unrated phones. (T4 is the "bet t er" or higher of
the two ratings.)
Hearing devices may a lso be measured for imm unity
to interference noise from mobile phones. In some
cases, hearing devices c an be modified or “harde ned”
to improve operation with a mobil e phone. Your
hearing device manufacturer or he aring health
professional may help you impro ve the interaction of
your mobile phone and hearing device. Not all hearing
devices are rated for compatibility with mobile phones,
but hearing devices that are rated s hould have the
rating available. Be sure to evalua te your personal
needs by trying out this mobile pho ne w ith your
specific hearing device, usin g both antenna positions if
this mobile phone is equipped wit h a r etractable
More information about hearing aid compatibility may
be found at:
essibility/default.html (www.motorola.com),
www.fcc.gov, www.fda.gov, and