Nextel® Terms and Conditions of Service
otherwise specified in Customer’s Service Plan,
any unused minutes or oth er al lo tted Services
under Customer’s Service Plan will not be carried
over to any other billing cycle. If Customer’s
Service is terminated for any reason (including if
Customer’s Number is ported) before the end of
any billing cycle, no credit or refund will be
provided for unus ed minutes or other al lotted
Services and any monthly service charge will not
be prorated to the date of termi na t io n. On
occasion, Customer may be bi l led fo r Serv ic es in a
month other than the month in which Customer
used the Services, whic h may result in
higher-than-expect ed Services charges for the
month in which su ch Services are bille d. The
creation of new cell sites, Nextel’s implementation
of new billing technology , de la ys in the re por ti ng of
international or ot her roaming charg es between
carriers, and other similar events may r esult in
such delayed billing. Nextel may bill Customer on
behalf of third party providers of Online
Applications that are accessed by C ustomer
through the Equipm ent. Nextel may r etain a
percentage of these charges before providing the
balance to the third party provider of such Onlin e
9. PAYMENTS - Recurring Credit/Debit Card
Customer may pay any amount owed to Nextel by
using a credit or debit card ac ce pt ab le to Ne xtel . If
Customer wishes to pay al l amo un ts in t hi s m an ner
on a recurring bas is, Customer must c omplete a
separate payment enrol lment form (“Payment
Form”). Customer ackno wledg es that upon signi ng
the appropriate Paymen t Form, the Pay men t Form,
including its applicable terms and conditions, will
become a part of this Agreement. Customer shall
promptly notify Nextel of any changes to the credit
or debit card (e.g., if th e card is terminated, lost ,
stolen or the expirati on date changes) or bank
account used for payme nt. Enrollment is for the
duration of this Ag reement unless canc elled earlier
by either Customer or Nex tel upon thirty (30) days
advance written no tice to the other pa rty.
Specific Form of Payment - Nextel may, at any
time and from time to time, as i t deems app r opr ia te
(e.g., following receipt of a dishonored check or
other instrument), demand that Customer make
payment by money order, cashier’s check, or a
similarly secure form of paymen t. Nextel also may
require at any time in its sole discretion that the
Equipment be purchased for cash only. In this
case, title to the Equipmen t shall be transferred to
Customer only after rec ei pt by N e xtel of a ca sh ie r’s
or certified check or other equally secure form of
payment in the amount required by Nextel.