Contact Information From Other Phones
This icon j appears with My Info from other
phones on the recent ca lls list, along with the
Direct Connect numbe r of the person who sen t the
When you select My Inf o fr om othe r pho ne s t o vi ew
its details, you see all the in for mation sent.
If you receive My Info fr om the same phone more
than once, only the most re cently sent version
appears in the recent calls list.
Contact Information From Other PhonesThe recent calls list displays contact information
sent from other ph ones. This informa tion comes
from the other phon e’s Contacts list or recent calls
list. See “Sending My In fo and Contact Informati on”
on page 113.
This icon d appears with contact information on
the recent calls list.
Contact informat ion in the recent c alls list displays:
•The name contained in the contact informati on
•The Contacts type ico n associated with the
number or address contained in the co ntact
information. If the item contains more than one
number or address stored, <> surrounds the
Contacts type icon.
The name or Direct Co nnect number of the pe rson
who sent the conta ct information app ears as a
separate item on the rece nt calls list, above the
information sent. If one per son sends you more
than one item of contact information, all the items
appear below the pers on’ s n ame or Di rec t Con nec t
When you select cont ac t inf ormation to view its
details, you see the name or Direct Connect
number of the person who sent the informatio n and
all the information in the item.
If you receive contact i nformation with the same
name from the same phone mor e than once, only
the most recently sent version appears in the
recent calls list.
Viewing the Recent Calls ListWith the Flip Open
1From the main menu, sele ct Recent Calls.
2Scroll through the list.