Recent Calls
To view the details of an i tem on the list:
From the recent calls lis t, select the item you
want information on.
Tip:To view the details of more items, keep
With the Flip Closed
1Press ..
2If you want to view the res t of the recent calls
list, press the volume controls.
3Press . to dismiss the recen t calls list.

Choosing Picture View or List View

You can set your phone to show the p icture
associated with each item as you view the recent
calls list or show the list without pictures.
1From the recent calls list, press m.
2Select Recent Calls View.
3Select List View to show the recent calls list
without pictures. -or-
Select Picture View to show the picture
associated with each entry.
Storing Items to Contacts
1From the recent calls lis t, scroll to or select the
item you want to store.
2Press A under Store. -or-
If Store is not one of your options: Press m.
Select Store or Update Contacts.
Tip:I f the item you want to store is a call, Store
does not appear if the number is already
stored in Contacts.
3To store the item as a new en try, select [New
Contact]. -or-
To store the number to an existing entry, select
the entry.
Note:Stori ng My Info or contact informati on
from another phone to a Contacts entry
that has a name assigned to it does not
change the name of the Contacts entry.
4If the item you want to stor e is a call, you must
assign a Contacts type to th e number:
With the Contacts ty pe field highlighted , scroll
left or right to display the Contact s type you want
to assign the number.
5If you want to add more inform ation to the entry,
follow the applicable instructions in “Cre ating
Entries” on page 4 9.
6Press A under Save.