Entering Text
Adding Words to the Database
1Select Alpha as your text input mo de.
2Type the word using Al pha mode.
3Select Word as you r text input mode.
4Press #.
The word you typed in Alpha text entr y mode is
now in the database.
Note:You cannot store alphanumeric
combinations, su ch as Y 2K .
Choosing a Language
To change the langu age of the databas e:
1At a screen that require s you to enter text, press
2Select Languages.
3Select the language you want for your data base.
Special Function KeysSome of the phone’s keys assume different
functions while in Alpha or Word mode .
Press # for a space.
When you press and hold th e # key, it acts as a
3-way toggle. Press and hold # to make the next
letter typed uppercase (s hift), to make all
subsequent letters type d uppe r cas e (ca ps lo ck ), or
to go back to lowerc ase letters.
These icons appear in th e top row of your display:
When neither of these icon s ap pe ar, letters typed
are lowercase. Scrol ling up after typing a letter
makes that letter uppe rc as e.
Note:W hen creating a text message, you
cannot capitalize by scrolling up.
Your phone automa tically makes th e first letter of a
sentence uppercase.
Press 1 or 0 to insert punctuation. Continue to
press the key to view the lis t of sy mb ols available
through that key. Pause to select t he symbol you
Note:Additional punctuation symbols are
available in Symbols mo d e.
m or XShift is on.
n or WCaps lock is on.