Phone Calls
Making Calls
Your i760 phone makes two types of calls: digital
cellular phone calls and Direct Connect calls. Wi th
Direct Connect calls, you use your phone as a
long-range, digital walkie-talkie.

Phone Calls

With the Flip Open
1Enter the number you want to c all.
2To place the call:
Press s. -or-
If you entered the number from the idle screen,
press O.
3To end the call:
Press e. -or-
Close the flip.
To end a call by closing the flip, you must have the
Flip to End feature turne d on (see “Setting Flip
Actions” on pag e 63).
With the Flip Closed
You can make phone calls with the flip closed
using a voice name or the recent calls list to select
the number you want to call. See “Using a Voice
Name” on page 29 and “Making C alls From the
Recent Calls List” on page 43.
To end the call, press ..

Direct Connect® Calls

Nextel offers the f ollowing Direct Connec t services:
Local Direct Conn ect — allows walki e-talkie
calling within your lo cal coverage area.
Nationwide Direct Connect® — allows
coast-to-coast walkie-tal kie calling to Nextel
users from anywhere on the Nextel National
Network (U. S.) to anywhere on the Na tional
International Direct ConnectSM — allows
walkie-talkie calling t o an d from select countries.
Group ConnectSM — allows nationwide
walkie-talkie callin g to up to 20 Nextel cu stome rs
simultaneously. (See “Group ConnectSM Calls”
on page 21).
Talkgroups — allows walkie-talkie call in g to up
to 100 Nextel custo mers.