Making Calls
See nextel.com for more details on these Direct
Connect walkie-talkie services. Pricing for each of
these services is based on your service contract.
To make a Direct Conn ect call:
1If the flip is open, enter the Direct Connect
number you want to call . -or-
If the flip is closed, cho ose the number as you
would when making a phon e call.
2Press and hold the PTT button on the side of
your phone. Begin talkin g aft er your phone emit s
a chirping sound.
3Release the PTT button to listen.
A Direct Connect call ends automatica ll y if there is
no activity on the call for a few seconds.
Tip:To l et someone know you want to talk to
him or her on a Direct Conn ect call, send a
call alert. See “C all Alerts” on page 3 2.
Dialing Direct Connect® Numbers
Every Direct Connect number has 3 parts — an
area ID, a network ID, and a member ID — with an
asterisk between eac h of these parts. For exampl e:
When you place a Direct Connect call, you must
enter the whole Direct Co nnect number including
the asterisks.
Tip:W hen you store a Dir ec t Con nec t nu mb er i n
Contacts, it is good practice to includ e the
whole Direct Connect numbe r , includ ing th e
Walkie-TalkieWalkie-Talkie let s yo u qu ickly access any Dire ct
Connect numbers o n your phone so th at you can
make a Direct Connect call, or create a Group and
make a Group Connect call. Select one entry to
make a Direct Conn ect call or select mult iple
entries to make a Group Connect call. For more
information about Groups, see “Group ConnectSM
Calls” on page 21.
To view a list of Groups and Contacts with Direct
Connect numbers:
From the main menu, sele ct Walkie-Talkie.
To move between C ontacts, the rece nt calls list,
and Memo:
Scroll left or right. -or-
Press * or #.
To make a Direct Connect call or Gr oup Connect
1Select the entries you want.
2Press A under Done.