Getting Started

911 Calls

Nextel continues to make efforts to ensure that all
911 calls are minim ally impacted by t his process. If
you make a call to 911 from your temporary phone
number and the call fails, the 911 emergency
response center will no t b e abl e t o c all yo u b ac k on
your Nextel phone if in the meantime your Nextel
phone has been programm ed w ith y our p erma ne nt
phone number. As with any w ireless 911 call, if
your call is disconnected before location and
details have been provided, be sure to call 911
again and advise that you w ere disconnected.
Go to nextel.com/wlnp for m ore details.
Nextel® Customer Care
Nextel Customer Care : 1- 80 0-6 39 -61 11 or dia l 6 11
from your i760 phone.
Nextel Worldwide Customer Care:
+1-360-662-5202 (toll-free from your i760 phon e) .
Understanding Status
You may receive status messages under certain
conditions. Before contacting Nextel Customer
Care, note the message, numeric code, and the
conditions under which the message appeared.
You can go to nextel.c om for a dd iti on al in for mat ion
about status messages.