Nextel® Terms and Conditions of Service
Content - Custom er may, from time to time, access
through Wireless Data Se rvices statements,
opinions, graphics, photos, music, services and
other information (“C ontent”), including Content
provided by third parties. Customer ac knowledges
that Nextel offers no guarantee or as surance
regarding the accuracy, completeness,
appropriateness or uti li t y of t he Con ten t. Cus to mer
also acknowledges that Nextel does not publish
and is in no way responsi bl e for a ny Co nt ent th at is
provided by third parties. Customer also may
establish contact with third parties through
Wireless Data Services. N extel is not responsible
for the actions of third parties contacted by
Customer, whethe r such contact wa s initiated by
Customer or was b rought about throug h an
embedded link on t he Equipment. Conte nt
providers and oth ers have copyrigh t and other
proprietary inter ests in certain Cont ent. Customer
shall not, and will not permit others, to reverse
engineer, reprod uce, broadcast, dist ribute, sell,
publish, commercially exploit or otherwise
disseminate any Co ntent in any manner without
the prior written consent of Nextel, the Content
providers, or oth ers with proprietar y interests in
such Content, as applicable. Customer’s use of
the Content is s trictly limited to the Customer’s own
use solely in connection with the Equipment.
Customer will be required to cease using the
Content if Customer fa ils to comply with this
Section 5 or any part of this Agreement.
Network Security - Nextel may take any action that
it deems necessary to (1) protect its network, its
rights or the rights of its customers and third
parties; or (2) op timize or improve its network, its
Services and the Equipme nt. Customer
acknowledges that suc h action may include,
without limitation, employing methods,
technologies, or proc ed ur e s to fil te r or block
messages sent through Wireless Data Services.
Nextel may, in its sole and absolute discretion, at
any time, filter “spam” or prevent “hacking,”
“viruses” or other pot ential harms without re gard to
any Customer pr eference.
Application Support - Nextel is often not the
developer of Online Ap plications that are
accessible through Wire less Data Services.
Therefore, if Customer cont ac ts Next el’ s Cu st ome r
Care department regarding use of an Online
Application, Customer m ay be referred to the
customer care department of the developer of the
Online Application, and Nextel shall not be
obligated to support any such Online Application.