GPS Enabled
Stand still. If possible, stand still until your phone
is finished determ ining your location. Moving
your phone at a wal king pace while you r phone
is calculating your approximate locat ion may
substantially dec rease GPS perform ance.
In a car. When using the GPS En abled feature in
a car, position your phone so that the GPS
antenna has good access to GPS signals
through the car’s windows. Typically, the GPS
antenna has best ac cess to GPS signals in a car
when placed near a window.
Note:Although moving your phone at a walking
pace decreases GP S performance,
moving it at the speed of a moving car
does not.
Stay in network coverage. Depe nd in g on your
service provider, the network will provide your
phone with inform ation that helps deter mine
your location more quic kly and accurately.
Updating Satellite Almanac Data
Note:This feature may not be offered by Nextel.
Another way to keep the GPS feature of your
phone working well is to keep your satellite
almanac data up to date.
The United States govern ment maintains an
almanac of data about whe re G PS sat ell it es are a s
they orbit the Earth. Thi s in fo rm ati on is av ai la bl e to
your phone. Keeping your satellite almanac up to
date helps your phone determine your location
more quickly.
The almanac contains in formation about the
location of satellites, their operational status, and
other satellite inf orm ati on . Keep in g t his in fo r mati on
updated enhances the performance of your GPS
feature. In most cases, your phone will be able to
get a fix in strong satellite signal co nditions with
outdated almanac data, but it may take longer.
Note:When you make an emergency call, your
phone does not rely upon the al ma na c to
determine your location.