Safety and General Information
To assure optimal radio p roduct performance
and make sure human exp osure to radio
frequency electro magnetic energy is within the
guidelines set forth in the above standards,
always adhere to the follo wing procedures:
Phone OperationWhen placing or re ceiving a phone call, hold your
radio product as y ou would a wireline telephone.
Speak directly int o the microphone.
Two-way radio operationYour radio product has been designed and tested
to comply with national an d int er nat io na l s tand ar ds
and guidelines regarding human exposure to RF
electromagnetic energy, when operate d in the
two-way mode (at the face, or at the abdomen
when using an audio accessory) at usage factors
of up to 50% talk/50% listen.
Transmit no more tha n the rated duty fact or of 50%
of the time. To transmi t (t al k), pu sh the pu sh-t o- ta lk
(PTT) button. To receive calls, release the PTT
button. Transmitti ng 50% of the time or less, is
important because this radio generates
measurable RF energy onl y w he n tr an s mi tti ng (in
terms of measurin g for standards co mpliance).
When using your radio pr oduct as a
traditional two-wa y radio, hold the
radio product in a vertical position
with the microphone one t o two
inches (2.5 to 5 cm) away from the
Body-worn operationTo maintain complianc e with FCC RF exposure
guidelines, if you wear a radio product on your
body when transmitting, always place the radio
product in a Motorola approved clip, holder,
holster, case or body ha rness for this product.
Use of non-Moto rola-approved acce ssories may
exceed FCC RF ex posure guidelines. If you do
not use a Motorola approv ed body-worn
accessory and are not using the ra dio product
in the intended use posit ions along side the
head in the phone mode or in front of the face
in the two-way ra dio mode, then ensu re the
antenna and the radio pr oduct are kept the
following minimum distanc es from the body
when transmitting
• Phone or Two-way radio mode: one inch (2.5
• Data operation using any data feature with o r
without an accesso ry cable: one inch (2.5