Locating Your SIM Card
2Slide the release b ut t on ba ck un ti l it r e le as es the
battery door.
3Allow the battery door to po p up , sl i de it fo rwa rd,
and remove it from the back of your phone.
Locating Your SIM Card
Your SIM (Subscr iber Identity Modu le) card is a
small piece of plastic located in the SIM card
holder in the bac k of your phone, unde rneath the
If there is no SIM card in your phone, contact
Nextel Customer Care at 1-800-639-6111.
If you want to use a SIM card other tha n the one
that is in your ph one, please conta ct Nextel
Customer Care to verify that the SIM card you want
to use is compatible with your phone.
SIM card
SIM card