6. SERVICE AVAILABILITY - Service is generally
available to Customer w he n Cus t ome r is w ith in th e
operating range of t he Nextel network or within the
range of a provider with whi ch Ne xt el ha s a
reciprocal service arrangement (“Ser vice Area”).
Customer acknowledg es that any map, diagram or
other illustratio n of Cu st ome r’s S ervi ce A rea i s o nl y
an estimate and actual se rvice coverage may va ry.
DISCRETION. Service quality and availabili ty
within Customer’s Servic e Area is also affected by
conditions Nextel does not control, including the
Equipment, problems associated with
interconnecting carriers, power failures, “viruses”,
obstructions such as buildings or trees, tunnels,
atmospheric, geographic or topographical
conditions and other conditions. Service also may
be limited or temporari ly un ava ila bl e du e t o syst e m
capacity limitations or system repairs or
modifications. Ne xtel also may be required during
public safety emerge nc ie s or w he n sy st em
capacity is otherwise limited to limit access to the
Nextel network f or those customer s that are not
then using the Service and connected to the
network in order to facilita te communications by
public safety organizations such as police and fire
departments. In this eve nt, customers that have
priority access Serv ice as pa rt o f th ei r Ser vi ce Pl an
will be given access to the Nextel network before
Nextel’s non-priority a ccess c ust o mers . Nex te l wi ll
not complete calls to 900, 976 or similar numbers
for pay-per-call se rvices. Caller identif ication
information may not be available for all incoming
calls. International calling may be blocked.
7. RATES AND CHARGES - Customer shall pay in
full all charges for Servi ce s pr o vi de d un der this
Agreement and any Serv ic e Pla n t ha t bec o me s
part of this Agreement, including monthly service
charges, usage charges, taxes, assessments and
any additional fees or charges imposed on
Customer or on Ne xtel and associated with the
Service or the Eq uipment. Customer is
responsible for all cha rges or purchases
associated with C ustomer’s Number and
Equipment wheth er or not Customer w as the user
of the Service or autho rized its use. If Customer
fails to pay any am ounts when due unde r this
Agreement, Custo mer shall be in defa ult and
Nextel shall be e ntitled to exercise any remedies
available to it under this Agreement or at law or in
Service Charges - Customer shall pa y all charges
for Services selected by Customer as part of
Customer’s Service Plan, and any additional
Services selecte d by Customer. Cust omer’s
Service Plan will be o ff e red at th e rat es an d su bjec t
to the conditions set forth in the Service Plan
Information provided to C ustomer at the time of