Section 300-Installation Index
DBS-2.3/9.2-300 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 Index-3
Gas and airborne particles 1-4
Grounding 1-5, 3-5
guidelines 3-5
installation 3-5
T1 4-26
Ground-start trunks 4-9
guidelines 4-9
installation 4-10
Hardware maximums
double-cabinet systems 7-10
single-cabinet systems 7-7
Heat generation 7-3
Humidity 1-4, 7-4
Initialization of system 3-17
Input power 7-3
analog extensions 4-37
background music 5-8
cabinet 3-1
batteries 3-9
DBS 40 3-10
DBS 72 and 96 3-11
guidelines 3-9
grounding 3-5
guidelines 3-5
installation 3-5
circuit cards 3-6, 3-8
CPC strap S1 3-7
guidelines 3-6
SCC-B switch 4 3-6
DID trunks 4-10
door box adaptor 5-28
double-cabinet systems 6-1, 6-10
analog 4-37
digital 4-41
DSS/72 4-41
EM/24 4-43
external ringer 5-18
ground-start trunks 4-10
initialization of system 3-17
line expansion 4-44
loop-start trunks 4-7
OPX adaptor 5-11
with central office 5-12
without central office 5-11
paging 5-14
PCAS terminal 5-4
power failure unit 5-19
remote administration interface 5-6
SMDR device 5-4
T1 interface 4-20
double cabinet
T1 in both cabinets 4-29
T1 in slave 4-27
single cabinet 4-21
test phone 3-18
guidelines 3-18
trunk expansion 4-44
voice announce unit 5-22
wall mounting cabinet
cover removal 3-3
illustration 3-4
mounting brackets 3-4
wall mounting DSLT 3-15
desk stand attachment 3-16
desk stand removal 3-15
wall mounting key phone 3-13
mount adaptor removal 3-13
mount adaptor replacement 3-14
wall-mounting cabinet 3-3
guidelines 3-3
Introduction to system 2-1
KTEL-to-DBS voice path 7-14
Lighting 1-5
Lightning protection 1-5
Lines 4-1, 4-31
expansion 4-44
guidelines 4-44
installation 4-44