Network and Groups Pane | Using the Remote Manager |
Network and Groups Pane
The Networks & Groups pane shows a tree view of the hierarchy of networks and groups of Players managed by the PDS Server. The network or group you select here will select the Players shown in the Network pane and the operations performed on those Players.
If you select a network or group which contains
The title of the Network pane will change to show the name of the selected network and the selected group (if any).
Network and Player Management
The Network and Groups Pane is the main interface for network and player management.
The following sections will explain each function within this context menu.
Manage Groups
The Polycom Digital Signage solution offers two forms of hierarchical organization for players: networks and groups. Each player is associated with only one network or subnetwork. User permissions are determined by network: networks can have unique administrators, agents, and content
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