1.Two redundant PowerNet control networks connect UPM module to UPM module and UPM module to the SSBM. Each network requires only one shielded twisted pair of wires.
2.Refer to drawing
3.Use Class 1 wiring methods (as defined by the NEC) for control wiring. Install the control wiring in separate conduits from the power wiring. Install the twisted pair of each redundant PowerNet network in separate conduits. The wire should be rated at 24 volts,
1 amp minimum. The recommended wire for the PowerNet network is shielded 20 gauge twisted pair Belden 8762 (Powerware Part Number 175090703) or equivalent. The recommended wire for the optional Network Power Supply panel (A13) for Powerware
4.Control wiring run may not exceed 100 meters.
5.Refer to sheet 2 for typical control wiring routing. Use Arrangement C for a more robust network.
6.Connect control wiring and terminating resistor (if applicable ) to the removable portion of the terminal block.
7.Terminate each redundant PowerNet network at the end modules in the system. Use a 120 ohm, 1/4 watt, 5% resistor (Powerware Part Number 141202041). Refer to sheet 2 for typical termination points.
8.If SSBM is to be terminated, install terminating resistors onto terminal block TB1. Refer to sheet 3 for terminal location. Connect each resistor across terminals 1 and 2 and 6 and 7.
9.Refer to Tables I, J, and K, and to applicable chapters for information about installing control wiring.
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Powerware 9315 Parallel Capacity/Redundant System with PHP SSBM | |
164201373 Rev. A 092402 |