Chapter 6 Troubleshooting and DiagnosticsInstallation and Operation Manual


Table 6-1. E1/T1 Statistics (Cont.)



RAI (Yellow)

Number of seconds with Remote Alarm Indicators. A Remote Alarm Indicator is sent by a device when


it enters RED state (loses sync).


RAI Alarm indicates that the adjacent E1/T1 device had lost E1/T1 synch and hence sent an RAI


towards the IPmux, which entered a Yellow alarm mode (similarly, IPmux sends RAI towards adjacent


E1/T1 when IPmux enters LOF state (Red alarm).


In both E1/T1 links the RAI counter increases by one for each second during which an RAI pattern is


received from the far end framer.


The RAI alarm is also indicated by the front panel ALM LED (red).




Check reason for E1/T1 device to be in LOF (out of synch state) by checking physical link integrity at


the Tx direction of the IPmux towards E1/T1 device and framing related parameters.




Number of seconds with Alarm Indication Signals. An Alarm Indication Signal implies an upstream


failure of the adjacent E1/T1 device. AIS will be sent to the opposite direction of which the Yellow


alarm is sent.


For E1 links, the AIS counter will increase by one for each second during which a string of 512 bits


contains fewer than three zero (0) bits.


For T1 links, the AIS counter will increase by one for each second during which an unframed “all 1”


signal is received for 3 msec.


The AIS condition is indicated by the front panel E1/T1 SYNC LED (red).




Check why the E1/T1 device is sending AIS (all ones) stream towards IPmux, for example, Red alarm on


a different interface of E1/T1 device (upstream).




Number of seconds with Far End Block Errors. The FEBE is sent to transmitting device notifying that a


flawed block has been detected at the receiving device. Exists only for E1 MF-CRC4. The FEBE alarm is


also indicated by the front panel ALM LED (red).


The FEBE counter will increase by one for each second during which the FEBE indication is received.




Check physical link integrity.




Bursty Errored Seconds (also known as Errored seconds type B) are seconds during which fewer than


319 and more than one CRC errors occurred with neither AIS nor SEF (Severely Errored Frames)


detected. The BES counter will increase by one for each second containing the condition described


above. The CRC is calculated for the previous frame in order to prevent processing delay.


Complies with AT&T TR-62411 and TR-54016 standards. Not applicable if the line type is set to


Unframed. Available only at T1-ESF or E1-CRC4 modes (performance monitoring functionality).




Check physical link integrity, G.704 frame format integrity and Sync. (The CRC bits are included in TS0


for E1 multiframe links and in the frame alignment bits for T1 ESF links).




A Degraded Minute is calculated by collecting all the available seconds, subtracting any SES and sorting


the result in 60-second groups.


The DM counter will increase by one for each 60-second group in which the cumulative errors during


the 60-second interval exceed 1E-6.


Available in T1-ESF or E1-CRC4 modes only, (performance monitoring functionality).




See BES recommendations.




Monitoring Performance

IPmux-11 Ver. 2.00

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Image 102
RAD Data comm IPmux-11 operation manual Ais