?switch 158 @filename switch 154
abort log 155, 192, 202 abort operation 195 advanced options 46 afile=filename switch 155
ASPI driver 157, 158, 161, 164, 179 auto switch 155
Autoexec.bat 56 automation
clone switch and examples 166,
quiet mode 162
remove confirmation 163 restart on completion 162 version checking 165
back up
to a
Ghost.exe 97, 99
Norton Ghost 36 Backup Wizard 17, 36 bad sectors 155, 158 batch switch 155 bfc=x switch 155 BIOS 159, 193, 199 blue screen 194 boot
menu 138 sector 158 track 158
boot disk 72, 75, 94, 199, 213 creating 72, 74
files included 73
bootable CD 155 bootcd switch 155 buffersize switch 155
cables 182
cancel operation 195 CD drive
assign a drive letter 47 drive letter 47
CD writers 112, 113
back up to 113 making bootable 155 supported 112 writing to 76
Cdrom.sys 199 chkdsk 161 chkimg,filename switch 155 clone 39, 213
compression 63 Ghost.exe 104 speed 62, 63 switch 155, 166 Windows 2000 68
clone switch 155 Clone Wizard 17, 39 cns switch 155 command line 47