GDisk 128

batch mode 134 large hard disks 142 switches 129-141

GDisk32 128

modifying boot menu 138 Ghost Boot Wizard 17

starting 74

writing to a CD 112 Ghost Explorer 22

command line 123 switches 123

Ghost Walker 146 command line 148 switches 148

Ghost.exe 22, 92 cancelling 195 starting 59

Ghost.exe operation 94 Ghosterr.txt. See abort log Ghreboot.exe 57, 58

restart Windows 195

GoBack 67


h switch 158 hard disk

active 129 batch 129 creating 129 deleting 129, 135 entire copy 159 hiding partitions 129 large drives 142 MBR 129 number of 157 space 158

status 129 wiping 135

hibernation file 69, 194 hiding partitions 137


Index 217

ial switch 158 ib switch 158 id switch 159 IDE hard disk 157 image file

description 159 integrity check 51, 58 naming 160 password 46 spanned 160 verifying 58

image files 214 CD writers 112 compression 62, 98 crc. See CRC32 creating 65, 104

insufficient space 65 description 159 extracting 120

file list 121 integrity 155 loading 65 lock 160 modification 120 multisegment 155, 163 password 161 restoring 119, 120 selection box 160 size limited 64

split. See image files, size limited standard 63

tape drives 66 viewing contents 119

image files, spanned 63, 64-65, 121, 155, 163 information window 48

INT13 support 158 integrity

volume 161 integrity check 51, 58 internal drives 180 ir switch 159


jl x=filename switch 159

ia switch 158

Page 217
Image 217
Symantec 10024709 manual Index