Creating boot disks with the Ghost Boot Wizard
Adding network drivers to the Ghost Boot Wizard
3Click Select Automatically to let Ghost determine the best multicasting mode based on the information in the packet driver.
If the Select Automatically mode does not work, try Receive Mode 5. If that does not work, try Receive Mode 6.
Adding NDIS2 drivers to the Ghost Boot Wizard
NDIS2 drivers work with the Microsoft Network Client. NDIS2 drivers are DOS drivers that load from the DOS Config.sys file.
To add an NDIS2 driver to the Ghost Boot Wizard
1In the Template Properties window, on the NDIS Driver tab, click Setup.
2Locate the NDIS2 driver.
In many cases Ghost can automatically determine the other parameters for your network.When locating the directory that contains the driver, look for a folder named Ndis or Ndis2. If you have a choice between DOS and OS2 folders, select DOS.
3Click OK.
If the setup fails to complete the driver properties, then complete the following fields manually:
■Filename: Type the DOS file name for the NDIS2 driver.
■Driver Name: Type the internal name of the driver.
The internal name of the driver is used when generating the Protocol.ini configuration file and must always end with a $ character. Read the sample Protocol.ini file in the same directory as the driver itself to find the driver name.
■Parameters: Type the parameters for the Protocol.ini configuration file.
If you use Setup to automatically fill in this page, you will see the parameters that you need to adjust. For the majority of
4Click OK.
When you have created the template that you require, you can continue creating a boot disk.