Part VIII | Sound Edit |
Specify how the filter changes over time, from the time the key is played to the time the sound dies out.
1.Use the PAGE buttons view the 3/4 display.
•The display looks similar to the following.
•Use the ▲ and ▼ buttons to select a setting item and then the ∧ and ∨ buttons to specify a selection.
2.Use the buttons to the left of the display to select a tone.
3.Use the ∧ and ∨ buttons to modify the respec-
tive filter envelopes.
•Use the buttons below the display to adjust the respective settings.
•You can select CUTOFF ADJUST and use the ∧ and ∨ buttons to set the total upper and lower settings, the START POINT to set the start point, and the STOP POINT to set the stop point.
4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other tones, as desired.
Specify how the filter envelope (curve) changes relative to touch or note pitch.
1.Use the PAGE buttons to view the 4/4 display.
•The display looks similar to the following.
•Use the ▲ and ▼ buttons to select a setting item and then the ∧ and ∨ buttons to specify a selection.
2.Use the buttons to the left of the display to select a tone.
3.Modify how the respective filter envelopes
change relative to touch.
• Select TOUCH TIME and use the ∧ and ∨ buttons to specify the time change, and select TOUCH LEVEL and use the ∧ and ∨ buttons to specify the level, relative to touch.
• At a − setting, the softer the keys are played, the greater the change. At a + setting, the harder the keys are played, the greater the change.
4.Select KEY FOLLOW and use the ∧ and ∨ buttons to modify how the respective filter
envelopes change relative to note pitch.
•Adjust the respective slopes for attack, decay and release. Select CENTER and use the ∧ and ∨ buttons to specify the center of the bend slope by note name.
Sound Edit