Part III | Sequencer |
Example of storing a chord progression
Measure 1 | 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
C | C | Am | F | D7 | G7 |
w | w | h | h | h | h |
1.On the SEQ MENU display, use the SONG SELECT ∧ and ∨ buttons to select the song number. Then select RECORD & EDIT.
2.On the RECORD & EDIT display, select STEP
•The display changes to the PART SELECT display.
3.Using the balance buttons below the display, select the track to which the CHORD (CHD/
APC) part has been assigned.
•The display changes to the STEP RECORD: CHORD input display similar to the following.
(2)While playing an F chord, press the h key one time.
<Measure 4>
(1)While playing a D7 chord, press the h key one time.
(2)While playing a G7 chord, press the h key one
•You can press the INTRO & ENDING button or a FILL IN button on the panel to store the desired pattern at the cur- sor position. (An INTRO or COUNT INTRO can be stored only at the beginning.)
•Store a rest by pressing a note value key without specify- ing a chord.
•STEP REC: CHORD can also be enabled by pressing on the EASY RECORD button continuously a few seconds. This will display the CHORD screen.
4.Store the chords.
<Measure 1, measure 2>
While playing a C chord with your left hand, press the w key two time with your right hand.
•A “beep” tone indicates that the chord has been success- fully stored.
•The dot on the display where the chord is stored changes to a ∗ mark and the cursor automatically moves forward, in accordance with the specified note value, to the next unre- corded position. The chord name is shown on the display.
<Measure 3>
(1)While playing an Am chord, press the h key one time.
5.At the end of the chord progression, press the
End key ( ).
•The Keyboard exits the recording mode.
•During playback, playback of the recorded chord progres- sion stops at this point. For automatic repeat playback of
the chord progression, press the Repeat key ( )
instead of the End key ( ).
•When you play back the track for the CHORD part, the chords of the automatic accompaniment change in accor- dance with the stored chord progression.
•To specify chords by the <one finger> mode, select the BASIC mode before entering the STEP RECORD mode.
•If the ON BASS button is on, chords such as “C on G” can also be specified (except in the <one finger> mode).
•The CHORD FINDER feature, which shows you how to finger a specified chord, is available. (Refer to page 47.)
Correct the recorded chord progression
1. Follow the procedure to select the STEP RECORD: CHORD display.
2.Use the MEAS buttons to go to the measure
you wish to modify. Use the and Correc- tion keys to move the cursor to the point (∗)
you wish to edit.
•The lengths of rests are indicated by the respective rest value × its multiplier.
‰ | ................× 1 + ‰ | |
Œ | ||
| (dotted quarter rest) | |
Œ × 10 |
• To go to the end of the chord progression, while pressing
the Reset key ( ), press the key.
3. Correct the chord data.