3 Operation | Model 6600 | |
Use UP/DOWN to set the day interval, hour interval, then Enter
Enter to turn ON the SPAN and/or ZERO cycles (to activate
For Oil & Water Samples only setting of the Zero schedule is need- ed. Instrument will automatically perform a Span at the end of a sched- uledZero.
Ifinstrumentisturnedoff,thenexttimetheinstrumentispowered,the instrumentwillautomaticallyperformacalibrationcycleafter3minutesof entering the sample mode if AUTOCAL functions were on prior to shut down.
3.3.2 Password Protection
Before a unique password is assigned, the system assigns TAI by default. This password will be displayed automatically. The operator just uses the Enter switch to be allowed total access to the instrument’s features.
If a password is assigned, then setting the following system parameters can be done only after the password is entered: alarmsetpoints, assigning a new password,range/applicationselections,andcurvealgorithmlinearization. (APPLICATION and ALGORITHM are covered in the programming section.)
NOTE: If you use password security, it is advisable to keep a copy of the password in a separate, safe location.
To install a new password or change a previously installed password, you must key in and ENTER the old password first. If the default password is in effect, using ENTER three times will enter the default TAI password for you.
Enter the System menu...
Use theUP/DOWN to scroll the blinking over to PWD, and Enter to select the password function. Either the default TAI password or AAA place holders for an existing password will appear on screen depending on whether or not a passwordhasbeenpreviouslyinstalled.