Oil in Water Analyzer | Operation 3 | |
| Detector Failure
Detectorfailureinthe6600isusuallyassociatedwithinabilitytozerothe instrumentwithareasonablevoltagedifferentialbetweenthereferenceand measure voltages. If this should ever happen, the 6600 system alarm trips, and theLCDdisplaysafailuremessage.
Detector cannot be balanced
Check your zero fluid
a.Check your zero fluid to make sure it is within specifications.
b.Check for leaks downstream from the Sample Cell, where con- tamination may be leaking into the system.
c.Check flowmeter to ensure that the flow is no more than 200 SCCM for liquids and 1000CCM for gases.
d.Check temperature controller board.
e.Check sample temperature.
f.Check the Sample Cell for dirty windows.
g.Perform a Zero calibration in the manual mode.
h.Check for air bubbles in liquid applications.
If none of the above, proceed to perform an optical balance as described in chapter 3, part II. Zero Offset Calibration
To access this function, the instrument zero mode must be entered by pushing the Zero key on the front panel of the control unit. The VFD display will showthefollowingmenuselection:
Select zero mode:AUTO
Select zero mode:MAN
Select whether you want the instrument to do an automatic or manual zero. If you do an automatic zero, the instrument does the zero by itself. If you do a manualzeroyoumustmanuallyenterinputstotheinstrumenttoaccomplishthe zero, see in the corresponding section of the manual on how this two functions differ.
WhentheEnter keyispressed,thefollowing menu will appear:
Teledyne Analytical Instruments | Part I |